Are You Struggling to Get

Responsive Traffic to Your Website?


The kind of traffic that wants what you have to offer?


Are you struggling to get traffic to your membership sites?

Are you struggling to get traffic to your content sites?

Are you struggling to get traffic to your lead pages?

Get Turbo Charge Traffic Pro Level


Charlene and Gail

IM for Real People Team

From The Desks Of Charlene and Gail


Dear Fellow Internet Business Owner,

If you're like most internet marketers, you want lots of traffic to your websites, but you're  struggling.

You want the kind of traffic that converts into buyers.

Everyone who is at the beginning of building their business online hits the wall when it comes to getting traffic.

You do the hard work of getting the content created, getting the site made, having the lead page and autoresponders ready...

and then you stop because you don't know how to get it in front of the right people.


You've been trying different tactics and nothing seems to be working!

We say ENOUGH!

You're not alone.

Here's How You Can Pull A Massive Amount Of Traffic To Any Website

We've been there.

We've tried numerous tactics.

We've tried stacking tactics.

We've been so frustrated that we thought we shouldn't have an online business at all!

Then we both realized the truth

All traffic tactics work, but not for all people or all businesses.

After spending a few years learning about traffic and discovering what works and what doesn't - for our respective businesses - 

We decided to combine our knowledge and share the top traffic tactics

- The Turbo Charged Traffic tactics -

the ones that work every time for both of our businesses

And offer those tactics to you.  

This led to the creation of 7 Cheat Sheets for 7 different traffic tactics that we both use on a regular basis. 

But wait - what do we mean by "our respective businesses"?

Well, Gail has membership sites that are focused on internet marketing training as well as niche sites that enable people to live enriched lives.

Charlene has niche affiliate sites and a service website that offers research, writing and professional group management. 

You see - two very different types of businesses. Both are online. Both need traffic. Not all traffic sources work for both, but these 7 do.

Now you can stop trying and start focusing your time and money on traffic tactics that work - for any online business. 


Introducing The Turbo Charge Traffic Cheat Sheets Bundle


Cheat sheets are mini-blueprints. They're simple outlines of what to do. 

Here is what is in the Turbo Charge Traffic Cheat Sheets Bundle:

1. SEO Cheat Sheet Traffic The Organic Way Cheat Sheet

When you look at your analytics have you noticed that people are finding your site by searching for specific words in Google and other search engines? 

Sometimes it's a happy accident. Sometimes it's not. You can optimize your  pages for the search engines. This cheat sheet shows you how to start getting more traffic from the search engines.

2. Blog Traffic Cheat Sheet

Wanting the best ways to get traffic to your blog? This cheat sheet will give you 10 ideas and ways to do just that!

3. Social Media Traffic Cheat Sheet

All social media is not created equally. Some platforms rely more heavily on pictures (such as Pinterest) and others rely on short posts (like Twitter). This cheat sheet helps you figure out how to do a bit of research and focus on the social media platforms that work best for your business needs. 

4. Guest Blog Traffic Cheat Sheet

Guest blogging is a great way to bring targeted visitors to your site. It's also easy to do it wrong. This cheat sheet will help you to create a successful guest blogging strategy so you can do it the right way. 

5. Paid Ad Campaigns Cheat Sheet

The fastest way to get buyers is with paid advertising. Before you place an ad, you need to define your goal and design your ad campaign. 

This cheat sheet will help you do exactly that for three of the most important types of ad campaigns that you're likely to run.

6. The Ultimate Traffic Generation Cheat Sheet

Whatever tactics you want to use to get traffic to your site, there are certain steps you must take to ensure your success. And, it doesn’t matter if you’re going to use paid advertising or free methods to generate traffic. This cheat sheet sets you up for success with generating traffic.

7. The Viral Marketing Traffic Cheat Sheet

Viral marketing is a little bit of art, a little bit of science, a little bit of intuition. You can improve your chances of creating viral campaigns by using this cheat sheet. 


What we know for sure is ...

if you get this low-cost, high-value set of Cheat Sheets


You Will Know Exactly 

What To Do 

To Drive All The Traffic You Want

To Any Site You Want

Get Instant Access And Start Using Traffic Tactics That WORK Starting Right Now!

Here's What To Do Next

Click Below to Get It Now!

 Turbo Charge Traffic Pro Level

Turbo Charge Traffic - Pro

For Action Tackers

We're Throwing in an Amazing Bonus Pack

Bonus #1

Email Marketing Checklist  - Detailed steps to ensure you never miss a critical step again in performing your email marketing tasks.  18 checklists include:

Bonus #2

Social Media Checklist  - Ever find yourself confused by all the requirements to setup social media traffic generation?  Well here is the detailed lists you've been wishing you'ld known about along time ago.  The included 30 checklists are:

Bonus #3

SEO Checklist  - Done correctly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can generate massive amounts of organic traffic straight to your websites.  The included 19 checklists are:


The Best Guarantee Ever!

For 30 days, we 100% Guarantee you'll love this product or we'll return your purchase price but let you keep the material anyway.

That's right.

You don't even have to send anything back. Just email us or open a support desk ticket  within 30 days of purchase and we'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

How fair is that?

You can secure your Turbo Charge Traffic membership by clicking the order button below. As soon as your payment is confirmed, our automated system will set up your membership.

Here's What You're Getting Today

  • 7 Cheat Sheets
    • SEO
    • Blog Traffic
    • Social Media
    • Guest Blog
    • Paid Ad Campaigns
    • The Ultimate Traffic
    • Viral Marketing
  • 3 Bonus Check Lists
    • Email Marketing
    • SEO
    • Social Media

Click Below to Get It Now!

Turbo Charge Traffic Pro Level

Turbo Charge Traffic - Pro

Thanks again for taking the time to read this letter and for investing in the future of your business!

Charlene and Gail

IM for Real People Team


P.S. Just in case you've scrolled down to the bottom, instead of reading the letter, here's a recap of what you're getting:

  • You are getting digital access to our new product, "Turbo Charge Traffic".
  • In it you get 7 cheat sheets for the best ways to get traffic to your site
  • An Additional bonus of  3 checklists that will help keep you on track

There is absolutely no catch here and if you don't like your purchase you can request a refund, we'll send you your money back and you can still keep access to your members area.

Click here and claim your membership now.

You won't regret it.

Turbo Charge Traffic Pro Level

Turbo Charge Traffic - Pro
Turbo Charge Traffic - Pro